Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hurt Survey

I'd picked this survey from Amiel's blog, where he got it from Maida's blog which she copied it too from Sally's blogsite, hahahah... Hell yeah, Leh me see what's in here...

The Hurt Survey

1. Would you kiss the last person you kissed, again?
of course, I will! Hahah, kissing is a good habit

2. Have you told anyone you'd marry them?
-hmmmm… me, asking to marry them? Grrr..

3. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?
-yep. Sounds stupid.

4. Have you ever made a bf/gf cry?
-well…. I guess… hahaha

5. Are you happier single or in a relationship?
-It’s good to be single, got no hassle in life. But then, still chose to be in a relationship especially when you think that you’re having the best, what? Har har har …..partner? in what?

6. Have you ever told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?
-yes, I did in the past

7. Have you ever had your heart broken?
-hell yeah men! All the time.

8. Have you ever broken someone else's heart?
-ahuh… for a change in question no.7, hahhahaa

9. Do you still talk to your exes?
-exes that meant to befriend with

10. Last time you kissed someone?
- uhmmmm…. just last Saturday night

11. If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
- maybe

12. Do you think you are a good bf/gf?
- of course I am… I make my bf a spoiled brat maybe that’s why I always end up cryin’ , geeeezzzzzzzz

13. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

14. Have u ever liked anyone else's bf/gf?
- yeah! Hik! Lasing lang ako nun cguro , hahaha

15. Like anyone right now?
-just my sweet

17. Does that person like you back?
-of course, I like it when he’s getting’ sweet

18. What are you going to do tonight?
- fix my room, read some mag, listens to sounds that pleases my ears and sleep with mah teddy Bernie…

19. How do you feel right now?
-sad... sweet is leaving

21. Have you ever been kissed upside down?
- all the way down, hahahha

22. What would you like to say to one person on your mind?
- that I love him and I want him to love me for the rest of his life, hahaha… impossible? Hmmm.. haler!

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