Crimson? A deep color red, right? Hmmm…But the Crimson that I have in my life is not a color, hehehe, funny but it’s true. He’s my youngest brother and I’m so proud of him. He is awfully gifted and endowed with great skills that he always makes it to the top of his class. He’s the baby of the whole clan and everyone is fond of him for he got the throne of being the youngest among the family. Hahaha! Such a lucky kid.He was supposed to be aborted when he was still 4 months in our mama’s womb. My mama didn’t know that she was pregnant by that time and because of financial crisis in the fam, our papa decided to abort him since he will be the seventh kid. But having a fear to God, they didn’t get this kid be wasted but instead, they kept him for he is such a huge blessing for us. Our papa never goes wrong with his decision for in return he has a very talented cute little boy. I was the one who gave the name "Crimson" which means a deep color red. He is a spoiled one but he knows where to stand out. When you say No, he knows that is really a “no.”
I remember when he was really a little kid growing innocently in our disturbed world. He learned how to speak English at the age of two, and calls our parents “daddy and mommy” instead of “papa and mama.” He calls me with a different nick “lynn-lynn” instead of “ate.” He doesn’t want to play with kids because he told us that kids are naughty and he doesn’t like it. He doesn’t want to go to school because there’s going to be lots of kids but of course we did convinced him that he really needs to attend school everyday. And during his first day, he told our mama to go home for he doesn’t need someone to look after him. (nice huh! not a cry baby!) And guess what, at the age of 3 and 4, his favorite TV channel is MTV and channel [V]. Now with his wacky thing, I saw him chew the ticks where he thought it was just a bubble gum, (eeewww crimmilicious!) hahaha! He is a wide reader, a homebody boy, loves to collect different stuffs, watch tv and waste time with his computer. His dream when he grew up? To be a great scientist someday.
Since then, he used to make it to be at the top of the class, got special awards and never goes out of the honor list. And right now he made it again. He’s the Valedictorian of his class 2009! whew! I’m soOO000ooooo proud of him!
But on the other hand of his success, I was so sorry that I didn’t make it to be home to celebrate his special day. It makes me sad somehow but I know he understands me. I’m a one proud “ate” who has another best kin that I can boast to anyone. Keep it up cre! I know you’ll always be the number one, and you will always be number one for me.
I made this meme for you; just another way to say congrats and I appreciate everything in you. This could be the other gift that I can give and I hope you like it. You’ll be facing a different life now just after the time that you’ll go down that stage. I hope that first step will be best enough for you. Be strong always so you could face and handle everything that may come along your way. And most of all, don’t forget to PRAY, because in all aspects and consequences that awaits, prayer is the best armor that you can have to battle for a better and peaceful life.
Hey babe! i miss eating cereals and oats with you, hahaha!
iloveyou! mwah!

Crimson during his 12th B-day
(he told me that his eyes here are just fake, hahah!)
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