I don’t have enough sleep this past few days and I really find hard to catch that sweet sleep. Insomnia I guess. This is relatively hard on my part since I need to be awake early in the morning to go to work. How can I do that anyway if I’m having that sleepy syndrome which also makes me lazy to do my job? Whenever I got the chance to catch sleep on my break time, you’ll probably see me at the sleeping quarters of the office just to cope up that drowsiness. But sometimes I’ve been experiencing oversleeping too which causes too much headache after I woke up. Well, maybe I just don’t know how to manage myself at times when to have a good and proper sleep. Or maybe I just think too much that’s why I can’t just relax my mind and my body. It sucks you know, cause having a day without a good sleep can really make you crazy, tired and even lets you feel like you’re a whole damn shit that comes from nowhere...
As I’ve read this article over the net, this somehow gives me some tips on how to manage time on how to catch a good sleep. It’s helpful so have some time to read.

Media reports tell us that America is a sleep-deprived nation of workaholics who are sacrificing their health to achieve the overscheduled modern lifestyle. But we seldom hear about those at the other end of the spectrum who sleep well beyond the recommended seven to eight hours a night.

Some studies have found that sleeping nine hours or more a night may have a negative impact on health. However, the evidence is not nearly as clear as data showing that too little sleep (four to five hours) can lead to illness, accidents, and lowered productivity. We do know that depression can manifest itself through both insomnia and low energy levels leading to extended periods of sleep.
So is it possible to sleep too much? How can you develop healthy sleep habits? Here are some tips.
Don't Use Sleep to EscapeSometimes when I feel overwhelmed, I can become a bit of a possum - curling up and falling asleep when threatened. While this isn't a particularly destructive way to escape uncomfortable emotions, it also isn't an indicator of being able to deal with them. If you are a "possum sleeper," I would suggest trying to sit through a period of discomfort using a different behavior, such as exercise, to lessen anxiety.
Don't Overdo the NappingNaps have gotten a bad rap in the United States, but there has been a trend over the past few years to embrace the power nap (a fifteen- or twenty-minute refresher in the afternoon). Numerous studies have shown that these short naps are in fact an excellent way to sustain our energy and focus throughout the day. However, a power nap can easily turn into a two-hour deep sleep for some of us. This amount of sleep in the afternoon will leave you feeling groggy and likely disrupt your sleep pattern at night.
Don't Make Sleep the Weekend RewardThose of us with busy work schedules often treat ourselves to long sleeps on the weekend. You shouldn't feel guilty about this, but I wonder if this behavior falls into the same pattern as overeating on the weekend and then starving yourself during the week. A consistent level of sleep throughout the week seems like a healthier option.
Don't Get BoredIf I don't know what to do with myself, I will often feel tired and sleep more than I think is necessary. The reality is that there is always something to do if we want to seek out activities, such as exercising or volunteering. Keep busy and you will feel less tired.
Good health is usually dependent upon moderation, and it seems, sleep is no exception.
The Principlesby Patrick MooreAvailable now on Lulu.com, Amazon.Com, and BarnesandNoble.com. 2007 Patrick Moore . All Rights Reserved.