I was so upset with what I’ve heard today from an old friend when I met her along the busy street of our city. After those “hi” and “hellos”, updating one’s life and reminiscing everything we had on our high school days, well the next thing she told me makes me really feel sad. One of our closest friends died when she’s about to gave birth to her baby. I can’t in fact believe with what I’ve heard and that makes me to have a teary eye. I don’t know what to think and I don’t know what comes with the real story behind.
I can’t help but to think of her until I went home. I’ve asked mama if she knows something about that friend of mine who just died. My friend was found dead in the afternoon in their house without anybody with her. She suffered from high blood and got a heart attacked and bleeds to death. She was pregnant then and the unborn died with her. Their house was actually far from the town proper so I guess no one bothers to check her even the neighborhood. She was a real good friend to me and I pity her innocent children that she left from this sinful world....
When I got the chance to visit her family, her mother and I did not stop from crying from the time that I told her that I was Joy’s friend in high school. We had some story telling and how things happened while embracing her portrait... I was so so so sad. It’s so hard to accept that i lost a friend. I can’t help thinking of her why at her early age she was chosen to leave us all here without even saying her last goodbye.
Tagged by phoebe… Well then, I’m ought to tag 10 people too after this. Just write a blog about ten facts about yourself and choose ten people to be tagged too. You can’t tag the person who tagged you.
Get it on!
1. I love to swim. But I was so upset when my doctor told me that I can no longer swim since I got a problem with my left eardrum now caused by some fucking incidents that happen with a stupid guy.
2. I used to collect mugs, stuff toys, shoes, bags, and magazines.
3. I love to eat fish, veggies and chocolates.
4. I paint. But I’m a moody person.
5. I love taking pictures and… I usually want to be the model in it, hahahah…
6. I’m a certified “maldita”
7. I’ll die drinking my meds.
8. I sometimes have a temper that flashes up quickly but it quickly calm down showing but little violence.
9. I’ve been living independently for 4 years now and I love being away from home.
10. I love hearing Roxette and Mettalica's music.
Now I tag: Maida, Irene, RC, Agatha, Skyrill, Jeric, Chayee, Nikki, Art, and, Aileen
This is actually a not so true pix. hahaha.. This photo was taken during Wennie's wedding, a friend. I was her Maid of honor. Just acting as if I was a bride too! hehehe
Importante ang aldaw na ini, huli ta birthday ni padi. Sisay si padi? Boot nindo maaraman, eu ini si Jondie Chavenia. Hain sya? Aw nasa Qatar mga tugang nakiki close sa mga arabo asin araba. Nagtatrabaho para sa sadiri asin para sa pamilya. Maurag talaga ini. Kaklase ko sa elementarya kung sain saradit pa kami kang nagkarawat kami nin kudotkudutan, burukudan asin buruahan. Asta ngonian, buruahan man giraray!
Iyo sana ini padi ang maitatao kong regalo, dae ako makadara ki bote ta mejo may distansya ka. Hare sana ta pagnaguli ka, maski sa bulangan hanapon taka maginuman sana kita basta saimo ang pulutan. Napurot ko man sana palan ining mga litrato mo, huni sana masasabi ko, lintias na taba mo padi! Halos dae taka na mamidbidan! Hahahah! Pero sa madaling sabi, gwapo ka man giraray!
Tama na ini padi ta baka barabadon mo na ako.
Inshallah padi!
Happy Birthday!
Su cake saka alak mo palan padi! masabi ka nakalingaw ako! hahaha